Friday, January 30, 2009


This month has seem to just fly by. When we got back from the snow my kids were just finishing up their antibiotics for ear infections, and then B.J. started sneezing up a storm and he has had allergies like crazy it turned into an ear infection so he went in and got on an antibiotic then within an hour I was coughing up a lung and I started an antibiotic as well we are all on drugs and recovering. My sister Mindi and my sister-in-laws Jenn and Annie have started this workout with my brother Spencer he kicks our boodys but Ive been doing the workouts from home and since Ive been coughing I am trying to take it easy. B.J. and I have been married for 7 years on Feb. 5th so we are going to do a combo valentines and anniversary and my mother-in-law is going to watch our kids at her house by the beach and we are going to go to catilina island or somwhere fun for a night or two. I am really excited to go and be alone with B.J. it has been awhile since we have done that. I will have some cool pictures next post.


Allison Claire said...

I am so glad that your family is recovering, I don't why so much gunk has been going around! I have been on antibiotics since last week. I love your new background! Have fun without the kids. Happy Anniversary!!! :)

Alishia said...

Oh, to get away!! It will be wonderful for you to be alone with BJ. What will you do when you can actually finish an entire sentence without stopping to talk to your boys in the middle? And what will your food taste like hot?? Go and have fun, we are all jealous!! Maybe your mother-in-law will watch my boys sometime. : )

Mary-Sunshine said...

NICE! Just a little jealous that you get to go and do that

Melissa said...

7 years! It seems like forever huh? Happy anniversary, hope you have a great time with your hubby.

The McNeil Family said...

I hate it when everyone is sick.. I hope you have a fun anniversary.. Time away from the kids is always nice..