Thursday, May 7, 2009

Honestly, Truly and Seriously

Ok I do know that guys have to adjust and itch and all that, but when my 3 year old is holding himself before he goes to bed I get just a little freaked out. He is getting too big and he is so much fun and a really sweet boy. Major and I were at my moms house and she has bunnies in an area of her yard that is fenced in so the dogs dont kill them and my mom wanted to make sure they were both boys so she didnt have any babies. We grew up with like 100 rabbits so I do know how to check out the sex of a rabbits. My moms bunnies have dug holes to stay cool and safe so my mom went and guarded one hole and Major stood over the other. I was trying to get them in a corner and kept missing them after about 5 tries Major says " Comon mom make the play!" Oh my hell I was laughing so hard I think I lost a little bit of my bladder he is so his father. Then after a couple of tries I hit my head on the Graipfruit tree and said "Oh damnit" It was just a reaction and Major says " Damnit oh damnit" I was trying so hard not to laugh. Then I have to explain that mommy should not say that and I was sorry. He is listening to everything I say and it is good for me cause I try to think before I speak. Try being the key word.


Denise said...

Oh my heck...boys will be boys! Too bad you don't have the bunny incident on tape, sounds like a riot! See ya in a few weeks! :)

Mary-Sunshine said...

I love that picture! That is sooo funny!! How do boys just know how to do that? We don't hold our boobs for comfort...

Larsens said...

oh man! i did lose part of my bladder reading that! he is so funny. and that picture... that is hilarious!

Alishia said...

Don't worry, my boys do it too!! Apparently it really is a comfort!